
Acrylic Paints - Best in the Painting Industry

By Murtaza Habib

The main characteristic of acrylic paint is, it dries very fast. It contains many types of pigments dissolved in an acrylic polymer emulsion. Once they get dried-up they become water resistant, otherwise they can easily mix up with water.

In many ways they are very similar to other oil paints, but they are very easy to use and much cheaper compared to oil paints. If you just start your painting career, it is very advisable to use them. It doesn't require skills that are required to use watercolor or the patience needed for oil paints. Trust me, it is very flexible to use in many ways.

Because of all these qualities, many artists prefer them to make their paintings.

Let's get down to know their more basic features...

In the 1950s they were available for commercial use. Initially, they are mineral spirit based paints, but as time goes through water based acrylic paints came into a picture.

They are completely opaque, when they are in an undiluted state.

You can apply any color with other one very easily.

You can consider this one as advantage or disadvantage that they dry up very quickly. Artist must be very fast with his or her design and ideas while using them. However, in present time additives are used in them to slow down its drying process.

If any artist wants to use this type of paint for exterior use, he has to buy a special paint made for exterior use only.

It is preferable to use them on a base layer.

Make sure that one who uses them has to wash brush immediately right after once a task gets completed, otherwise it will get wasted.

Generally, they produce a very uniform color.

Therefore, in future whenever you think to use them, keep above tips in your mind for sure.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Murtaza_Habib

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