Cat Make Up: A New Cat Every Month
We all appreciate that cats are the animal kingdom’s most graceful and beautiful creatures. I’ve got a great new idea for dressing up our cats. Well it’s not entirely my idea. In fact I saw a Google video on the ultimate cat make up and I just fell in love with the idea even though it’s a bit off the wall! But, it suits my personality I guess, after all I’m the one who always dresses up as a cat at costume parties.
Cat Make Up Kits
Before I tell you a bit more about the latest craze to hit my household, I must admit that I was a bit unsure about how to tackle this article. It could just cover how to make up your cat, or how you can use cat make up to turn yourself into a cat. So, I decided to do both.
There are several cat make up kits on the market. Some emphasize the sexuality of a hot blooded female cat, others focus more on the goofiness of the kitten, still others are slightly forbidding, reminding us that the cat is only partially domesticated whatever we may think. Many cat make up kits will transform you into a feline who looks like an extra for a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats.
The kits vary greatly in price, but they all come with basic cat make up and instructions for applying it.
Cat costumes are also readily available both online and in costume stores. Again, you'll have a wide selection to choose from--everything from the comic-looking Cat in the Hat to outfits so skimpy a Las Vegas cocktail waitress would be shy about wearing them.
But I Want to Do My Own Cat Make Up!
You can't go too far wrong with a cat make up kit, but there's always the chance that you'll show up for your Halloween event looking just like someone else. If you want to be truly unique, do your own make up.
You'll need grease paint (color according to your preference), a white highlighter, eyeliner, mascara or false eyelashes, and lipstick and lip liner. If you're really into creating the perfect costume, consider purchasing a latex nose, some spirit gum, and a bristly black paint brush to provide whiskers.
After you look at the cats on the web site you’ll get some great ideas on how to develop a really unique cat look for yourself. And the ideas are almost never ending. I always use crayons or colored pencils to sketch my ideas and color combinations to see how they will look, then go online to other resources on how to apply the cat make up properly. But the most important thing is to have an image of what you are trying to project first. That is, cuddly, aloof, angry or just warm and fluffy.
When you're ready to start applying your cat make up, do so carefully. If you make a mistake with grease paint, it's hard to wash off. You might want to enlist a friend to help you get your make up just right.
When you're finally finished, it's off to the party. Just remember to conduct yourself with the appropriate amount of feline pride. After all, just a few thousand years ago, your ancestors were worshipped as gods.
Michael is the owner of Love Your Kitty, the BEST site for looking after your cat properly. You will also find great gift ideas for your kitty at
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