
Oil Painting - Getting Done With Oil

Murtaza Habib

Oil painting has its roots during the ancient Roman era, and in the following years, its reputation immediately disperse throughout the other regions.

Oil painting is the progression of painting with pigments using dry oils, most particularly linseed oil, poppy seed oil, safflower oil, and walnut oil.

Artists diverge and contrast in style, stroke, or color, they want to portray. Different kinds of oil likewise present different colors and characteristics. Some, in a single painting, use different oils to depict the character and mood of their expressions.

To begin, most artists make a sketch to draw round and chart in the theme of their paintings. From there, the pigment will be applied to the surface which likewise varies, depending on the artist.

It may range from a canvas, cardboard, pressed wood, paper, slate, or wooden panel. The artist may opt to mix the pigment first with the oil of their choice, rather than applying the pigment on the surface, and topped with oil.

A universal rule among painters is the "fat over lean" rule which means that less oil should be applied at the surface to allow easy drying of the material. The higher the layer, the oilier it gets, thereby giving the outer layer the best glow in the canvas.

Moreover, this should be the standard technique because the lower layer sucks up the paint from the upper layers.

The surface coat or the under painting lay an important foundation and must be carefully applied. A thinner or turpentine lays the groundwork in every oil painting. Let it dry, and then proceed to undertake the mosaic surface or beginning with a murky or shadowy color to the brightest.

Here, the painting will appear dramatic, not to mention. Again, this layer has to be dried up. The artist may proceed to add intricate details in the next layer, and then the succeeding ones.
However, this may take years to dry up. In the Impressionist era, notable artist in this period is Jan van Eyck, began reconstructing the traditional technique called "Direct Painting". Instead of letting it dry for several months, they immediately paint wet paint on wet layer.

While the character is bizarre, the contemporary artists began to embrace this new style, and adopt it. Renaissance artists would prefer to seal the painting with a varnish, but Impressionist painters would have it varnish-free, maintaining the original art as they painted it.

The best thing about oil painting is that it can be redone anytime. The reason since oil paints does not dry immediately, it can stay wet for an hour, and hence, the artist can alter the style, texture, or totally remove the design until it becomes dry.

The solidified layer must be scraped in order to give the painting a smooth and downy effect. In scraping off the dry matter, never leave traces of chafed grime because traces of scraping to become obvious when scrutinized.

While it can be considered dry at first look, be cautious in finishing the art because some oil paints will completely dry for sixty to eighty years.

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